Saturday 28 January 2017

Maths in daily life

                MATHS IN DAILY LIFE

Mathematics is a methodical application of matter. It is so said because the subject makes a man methodical or systematic. Mathematics makes our life orderly and prevents chaos. Certain qualities that are nurtured by mathematics are power of reasoning, creativity, abstract or spatial thinking, critical thinking, problem-solving ability and even effective communication skills.

Mathematics is the cradle of all creations, without which the world cannot move an inch. Be it a cook or a farmer, a carpenter or a mechanic, a shopkeeper or a doctor, an engineer or a scientist, a musician or a magician, everyone needs mathematics in their day-to-day life. Even insects use mathematics in their everyday life for existence.

Snails make their shells, spiders design their webs, and bees build hexagonal combs. There are countless examples of mathematical patterns in nature's fabric. Anyone can be a mathematician if one is given proper guidance and training in the formative period of one's life. A good curriculum of mathematics is helpful in effective teaching and learning of the subject.

Experience says learning mathematics can be made easier and enjoyable if our curriculum includes mathematical activities and games. Maths puzzles and riddles encourage and attract an alert and open-minded attitude among youngsters and help them develop clarity in their thinking. Emphasis should be laid on development of clear concept in mathematics in a child, right from the primary classes.

10 Ways We Use Math Everyday

Math is a part of our lives, whether we clean the house, make supper or mow the lawn. Wherever you go, whatever you do, you are using math daily without even realizing it. It just comes naturally.

Chatting on the cell phone

Chatting on the cell phone is the way of communicating for most people nowadays. It's easy, accessible and cost effective. Every one has a cell phone and it requires a basic knowledge of skill and math. You need to know numbers and how they work, and with today's technology you can do basically everything on your cell phone, from talking and faxing to surfing the Internet.

In the kitchen

Baking and cooking requires some mathematical skill as well. Every ingredient has to be measured and sometimes you need to multiply or divide to get the exact amount you need. Whatever you do in the kitchen requires math. Even just using the stove is basic math skills in action.


Even doing something as mundane as gardening requires a basic math skill. If you need to plant or sow new seeds or seedlings you need to make a row or count them out or even make holes. So even without thinking you are doing math. Measuring skills is always needed, and calculations of the essence when doing something new in the garden.


When doing any form of art you are using math. Whether you're a sculptor, a painter, a dancer or even just doing a collage for fun, you will need to be able to measure, count and apply basic math to it. Every form of art is co-dependant upon math skills.

Keeping a diary

Keeping a diary has become an essential part of our daily lives. We run from place to place and appointment to appointment. Making appointments and having a time schedule that works for you requires math. Without a diary we will crash and burn. Some people even have to make appointments to take some time out. Math is a much needed skill in today's life.

Planning an outing

Every outing you plan needs your math skill. Whether you go to the beach or the zoo is irrelevant. You will plan your way there and you will use your time wisely, math is your guide that will assist you and help you. When driving you need fuel, oil and water, without it your car will break down. All of these require math.


Can you imagine going to the bank and not having any idea what you need to do or how to manage your finances. This will cause a huge disaster in your life, and you will be bankrupt within hours.

Planning dinner parties

How about that inevitable dinner party or cocktail that you have to host. Planning is essential, how many guests are attending, what foods are you serving, the ambience of the place where you want to host it and so many other essentials all requiring multiplication, division and subtraction.

Decorating your home

Whether you are painting, doing the flooring or just acquiring new furniture, you need math to make your sums add up. Everything you do inside or outside of your home needs math skills. From accessories to a new swimming pool and putting in new lighting.


Every basic thing we use in life consist of history. That means statistics. Taking into account the past and the future, and keeping record of what has been done. Without statistics we won't know what worked and what didn't. It helps us to find balance and structure.
Math is important for time calculations and scheduling. Knowing how long it takes to complete an activity or travel to a destination helps when planning everyday activities.
Recipes for cooking include measurements for ingredients. Math is used for defining the weight or amount of each ingredient. Using math to determine the necessary amount of an ingredient ensures that food has the desired consistency and flavor.
Financial math is an important aspect of shopping. Calculations are performed to determine a budget, or the amount of money available for spending. The prices of goods available for sale from different retailers are often compared to find the best deal.
There are a variety of uses for math in the medical field. Calculations such as heart rate and blood pressure are performed when a doctor evaluates the physical health of a person. Math is also used to develop formulas and dosages for pharmaceutical medications.
Constructing buildings depends on planning the precise measurements of a layout to ensure the best use of space. Construction measurements are also taken to identify the amounts of materials that need to be purchased for a project.

These are some of the videos from YouTube about how maths is used in daily life.


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